Attorneys at Law & Patent Agents

The Team
We are attorneys-at-law with strong legal and technology backgrounds. In addition to handling civil, commercial, family, criminal lawsuits and administrative litigations, we specialize in Intellectual Property related fields. We are a terrific team, and are confident that we can help you in international patent prosecution, trademark registration, and litigation management.
Worldwide patent prosecution, design & trademark registration, and litigation management. Civil, commercial, family, criminal lawsuits and administrative litigations, especially IP related lawsuits. Litigation and contracts concerning cross-strait trades, international business development, product planning, and governmental procurement matters. Consultant of innovative creation, laws, technology and business.
Contact Us:
Taipei HQ:
Addr:10F-4, No. 432, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., HsinYi Dist., Taipei City 11051, Taiwan.
Taichung Office (Patent & Trademark):
Tel: +886-4-2560-6367
Fax: +886-4-25682050
Addr.: 5F-3, No.170, Sec. 1, Henan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung 407, Taiwan
Latest Developments

July 13, 2022
Our Taichung office (Patent & Trademark departments) has moved to the new location:
Addr.: 5F-3, No.170, Sec. 1, Henan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung 407, Taiwan
Tel: +886-4-2560-6367
Fax: +886-4-25682050

Our attorney Barry PJ Huang becomes a Public Notary of New Taipei District Court and still team with us.
Taiwan New Taipei District Court Public Notary PJ Huang Office
addr.: No. 348-1, Sec. 1, Renai Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei 24449, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2602-8596
Fax: +886-2-2602-8508

July 28, 2015
We welcome our new senior advisor, Mr. Stefano John, a EPO Patent Attorney & UK Patent Attorney, who is joining our team!
Practicing Fields
Intellectual Property Rights (Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secret, etc.)
Enterprise, Commercial, Contracts
Family, Civil, Criminal, and Administrative Litigation
Legal, Patent, Technology and Business Consultation